218i Coupe
220d Coupe
220i Coupe
230i Coupe
230iX Coupe
3.0 CSL Coupe
320Ld Automatic (B47D) Sedan
320Li Automatic (B48C) Sedan
325Li Automatic (B48C) Sedan
325LiX Automatic (B48C) Sedan
330Li Automatic (B48D) Sedan
M2 Automatic (S58T) Coupe
M240i Coupe
M240iX Coupe
M3 Comp. M xDrive Sedan
M3 Comp. M xDrive Wagon
M3 Competition Sedan
M3 CS Sedan
M3 Sedan
M4 Comp. M xDrive Convertible
M4 Comp. M xDrive Coupe
M4 Competition Coupe
M4 Coupe
M4 CSL Coupe
Please note installation information,
in case of narrowed openings in the
door trim panel, cut with the knife.